Objectspace is delighted to welcome

Cemac Commercial Interiors aboard as our fourth and final Strategic Partner. Objectspace Director Kim Paton says:

Photo / Doug Sherring

Photo / Doug Sherring

"We are delighted to have Cemac join our Strategic Partner whānau. Their support will enable us to commission new work to exhibit in our foyer space — the Cemac Foyer! — and deliver one-of-a-kind public programming annually.

Along with our four other key partners, Cemac is empowering us to think bigger for the future of Objectspace.”

Managing Director of Cemac Derek Finnigan adds "Cemac has been partnering with New Zealand architects and designers for the past 60 years.

It was an easy decision for us to partner with Objectspace as they continue to champion the outstanding work of architects, designers, and makers.

We look forward to supporting the Objectspace team as they move forward with their stellar plans."

More than Castles:
Christopher Duncan

Cemac Foyer

Christopher Duncan,
XXV thousand (detail), 2021.

Photograph by Sarah Rowlands.
Courtesy of The National.

Contemporary weaver Christopher Duncan is enamored with old flatweave rugs—their robustness, their thickness, but most of all, the innumerable details and quirks of the weaving process. Fluctuations in warp tension, misaligned and meandering lines, and patterns that are slightly askew articulate the language of weaving.

This language is particular to the hand, eye, and mind of the maker and the circumstances of the rug’s creation. These details fascinate Duncan. They contribute to the story a rug tells and add to its sense of mystery and wonder.

Contemporary weaver Christopher Duncan is enamored with old flatweave rugs—their robustness, their thickness, but most of all, the innumerable details and quirks of the weaving process. Fluctuations in warp tension, misaligned and meandering lines, and patterns that are slightly askew articulate the language of a weaving.

This language is particular to the hand, eye, and mind of the maker and the circumstances of the rug’s creation. These details fascinate Duncan. They contribute to the story a rug tells and add to its sense of mystery and wonder.